Live Webinar: The Aging PSAP – Making the Case for a New Mission Critical Facility
Public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency operations centers (EOCs) must provide security and peace of mind for the communities and first responders they serve. Unfortunately, many of today’s mission-critical facilities are aging, unable to accommodate the needs of growing communities and outfitted with technology that is reaching end-of-life. With limited budgets and resources, how do agencies and public safety leaders make the case for a facility upgrade?
Join us on Tuesday, November 26, at 2 PM ET | 11 AM PT for a live webinar on how to assess your existing mission-critical facility and leverage the results to make a case for funding renovations, updates or a brand-new building.
Topics of discussion include:
• What to look for during your facility assessment
• Recommendations for presenting assessment findings
• Available grants and other funding sources to support your facility project
• Lessons learned from more than 50 mission-critical facility projects
Pat McFeely, Senior Technology Specialist, Mission Critical Partners
Craig Schulz, Communications Consultant, Mission Critical Partners
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